Cow Names
Giving your bovine friend a name can make it feel like family. Whether you have one cow or a small herd, it’s exciting to choose names for them. We have come up with 300 plus cow names to help you choose the best one for your pet animal. We have sorted the best naming ideas into different categories including funny, cute, or male/female names for your cow.

Male/Female Cow Names
Some names have a fine touch of femininity while certain tend to have a masculine feel. Here is an interesting list of names for your male or female cow that you would want to consider.
- Anna
- Isla
- Kelly
- Kia
- Joyce
- Olivia
- Margie
- Jasmine
- Bella
- Shelly
- Daisy
- Meg
- Molly
- Gwen
- Dolly
- Jolene
- Viola
- Mia
- Yasmin
- Rose
- Edie
- Ruby
- Enna
- Amber
- Hannah
- Kerry
- Lola
- Ashley
- Raya
- Laura
- Aura
- Alex
- Bob
- Bully
- Dan
- Rhys
- Carter
- Christopher
- Ash
- Ryan
- Diesel
- Duke
- Horns
- Homer
- Lamorra
- Libby
- West
- Poppie
- Ida
- Willa
- Sydney
Cute Cow Names
Take some inspiration from the world around you to find some cute cow names. You can choose a cute or adorable name for your cow from the list below.
- Melody
- Minnie
- Muffin
- Cocoa
- Chocopie
- Sweetie
- Cuty
- Angus
- Buttercup
- Candie
- Maggie
- Henry
- Vinny
- Luke
- Sunshine
- Millie
- Lily
- Beaux
- Duke
- Stella
- Blanca
- Trudy
- Otis
- Fuzzy
- Kyle
- Holby
- Coby
- Ellie
- Dahlia
- Petal
- Bumble
- Fluffy
- Joy
- Marble
- Arnie
- Elan
- Josh
- Muriel
- Comet
- Curley
- Butter
- Vortex
- LovaBull
- Pono
- Elsy
- Loise
- Zoey
- Yodel
- Niblet
- Stargazer
- Gamble
- Anna
- Belle
- Cassidy
- Delia

Baby Cow Names
Baby cows need a good name as they are the cutest creatures on the planet. Here are a few baby cow naming ideas that you might love:
- Brunette
- Tanner
- Auburn
- Zenga
- Sanga
- Inala
- Chet
- Jed
- Gideon
- Clive
- Jesse
- Cody
- Colt
- Dale
- Jeremy
- Joey
- Kickers
- Jersey
- Eli
- Kent
- Gentry
- Jarrod
- Boone
- Angel
- Amber
- Berry
- Milky
- Crunchy
- Butch
- Cole
- Jim
- Blake
- Josh
- Clay
- Justice
Funny Cow Names
If you want to give your cow a name that can give you a laugh too, here are some funny names that you might love.
- Oreo
- Moana
- Cocoa
- Mooshu
- Cowculator
- Mud Pie
- MosCow
- Dairy Lee
- Shia Labeouf
- Morgan Friesian
- Wayne Mooney
- Robert Cowney Jr.
- Bradley Cooper
- Ian Milkellen
- James Francow
- Sandra Bullock
- Milkauley Culkin
- T Bone
- Cowabunga
- Big Mac
- Moodonna
- Henry Cowvill
- Rumplestiltskin
- Emily Ratajcowski
- Liza Cowshy
- DJ Cowled
- Mootalica
- Dr Moo
- Lin Manuel-Mooranda
- Jason Steakman
- Hugh Heifer
- Leather Small
- Blake Livestock
- Beaver
- Tawny
- Espresso
- Umber
- Brunette
- Cinnamon
- Cedar
- Penny
- Goomba
- Malteaser
- Brownie
- Pretzel
Unique Cow Names
Looking for some unique names for your lovely pet cow? Here is an interesting list of names for your cow that you would want to consider.
- Zippy
- Harley
- Oakley
- Bead
- Bree
- Astro
- Galaxy
- Drone
- Fig
- Reef
- Palm
- Ursula
- Wazowski
- Dumpling
- Imp
- Tinker
- Titch
- Clifford
- Wade
- Hulk
- Moose
- Sherman
- Nemo
- Zorro
- Vache
- Mucca
- Speedy
- Zoomer
- Cleopatra
- Diablo
- Hiccup
- Viper
- Smithy
- Lolly
- Popsicle
- Summer
- Trident
- Horniman
- Moses
- Flynn
- Cinders
- Mouse
- Ego
- Slapper
- Flipper
- Denim
- Boyce
- Loops
- Racer
- Axe
Best Cow Names
Have a look at some of the best names for your cow. Each name in the list below is easy to remember.
- Bertha
- Betty Sue
- Buttercup
- Flopsy
- Mama Moo
- Moona Lisa
- Milkshake
- Bella
- Flora
- Gloria
- Lila
- Julia
- Marvel
- Lucy
- Madona
- Noora
- Pinky
- Rosie
- Waffles
- Tilly
- Victoria
- Velvet
- Sky
- Shelly
- Rose
- Olive
- Cindy
- Moly
- Kazoo
- Fatty Pie
- Dolly
- Mable
- Gwen
- Zarka
- Cookie
- Pickle
- Leona
- Maggy
- Sophia
- Venus
- Daisy
- Kite
The cow name choice is going to be different for each individual. You can choose any name from the above list or make a list of your favorites. Whatever name you choose for your cow, don’t forget to share it with us in the comment section below. If you have any naming ideas for a pet cow that you think we missed, you can share it with us.
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