5 Best Hedgehog Beddings
Hedgehogs are some cute little creatures that can take your stress away. Ensuring they get the right care is what you should be doing next. Getting them the right bedding can go a long way in ensuring they are happy and living comfortably. However, selecting the best hedgehog bedding can be complicated with so much options available.
In this article, we have compiled some best-known bedding brands, so you can make the right choice. We’ll also discuss their price, the good things, and where you can get them. Read on to find more.
Why this article?
Bedding can be the most difficult thing to shop for. The one where most let owners end up being confused with options.
And it shouldn’t be this way at all. This is the reason why we have put this article together to help you find the best bedding material for your hedgehog along with their advantages and shopping places where you can find the same. This will further make it easier for you to choose the best from the scratch.
Finding the best for you
We have made sure to conduct great research so as to include the best materials that you can go with without any second thought. It may seem like an overkill, but considering the comfort of your pet, we think it’s worth it.
The bedding that you choose will be used by your pet almost all day long. They will be doing all sorts of activities on it, touching, breathing, sleeping, playing and even more. If the bedding is not good enough, it could lead to several complications for them. From odor resistance to liquid absorbent properties, there is so much to look out for. This is the reason why we have taken out time to conduct a thorough research, so you can have the best hedgehog bedding solution available.
To do this, we have put together some brands and have delivered insights into their traits, specifications and more details. We discussed about the products with their buyers, learnt about their experience with the products and collected information as much as we could.
After we went through all the shortlisted options, we were finally able to choose a select few that are undoubtedly the best materials available in the market. If anything arrives in the future, which is far better than these, we’ll make sure to bring it to your notice.
Selecting the right one isn’t easy. Of course you have to take several things like safety, comfort and life into consideration. What starts as a normal weekend shopping can stretch out to a month long indecisiveness. To ease the pain, here is one you can blindly go with.
This bedding is the best option out there if you are looking to have the best hedgehog bedding. Being 99.9% dust resistant, it is also very comfortable and deals really good with odor as well. There may be other beddings that excel at one thing but lack at another, however, Kaytee Bedding excels at every aspect, this making it the best hedgehog bedding you can go for.
The bedding blend is made from wood fibers that are later turned into soft bedding and are available in the bag. The bedding is easy to clean and having a once in a week cleaning schedule will also go a long way in maintaining the hygiene.
Carefresh Natural Bedding is one of the most efficient hedgehog bedding options available in the market. The odor control feature is the best part and might take you by surprise.
Odor free feature can actually cause a great amount of confusion. When owners don’t smell anything, they can presume that there is no need to clean the cage and change the bedding, however it is not the case.
The bedding may be odor resistant being super absorbent but requires regular cleaning. The bedding is not made from dyes or chemicals that cause health complications. The material is processed to make sure that the aromatic carbon are removed. This bedding material can absorb liquid three times its weight and helps keep the cage dry and clean till the next time you change it.
Being made from real wood fibers, this bedding material claims to be very pet friendly. Unlike other bedding brands and materials in the market, this one is treated well enough to ensure safety of your little hedgehog.
When you select this bedding option for your pet Cage, you get a biodegradable and completely natural bedding material with a peace of mind that ensures health and safety at the same time. If you are looking for both natural as well as convenient option, this is the way to go. Unlike other materials, this bedding option won’t cost you an arm and a leg. The bedding is quite affordable when ordered from Amazon.
This bedding material is different from the last that we discussed, but still manages to stand out.
This bedding material is made from recycled fiber instead of using wooden shavings. One benefit of using these fiber strands makes it more absorbent. If you like to keep your pet Cage dry and hygienic at all times, this is your catch for sure. Any kind of liquid is no problem with this Cage. The cage is also very comfortable so your hedgehog won’t be facing any trouble playing around. This makes it the best choice for people looking to have all around safety.
The bedding does a good job when it comes to odor resistance despite the high level of liquid absorbency levels. And when we say it is absorbent, pet owners can certainly expect 99.9% dust resistance properties as well.
The final best hedgehog bedding in our list is Small Pet Select. Having an impressive range of bedding options, this one is definitely among our favorite options.
The Aspen bedding material is all natural and comes with minimal additives without any harmful oils that can affect your pet’s respiratory system. The bedding material does a great job in acting as a perfect choice of bedding for your pet cage.
For the price it comes, a get a lot more than the tag. Therefore, if you are the one who prefers buying in bulk options, this one will definitely appeal to you. The bedding would not meet your dust resistant requirements but if you are someone who can manage with a little dust , you can go ahead with purchasing this one. If not, you can go with the others on our list.
Tips on buying the best hedgehog bedding:
If you are going with the lost if bedding material that we have listed above, you won’t have to go through this. However, we still insist that you do. If you are looking to shop around a bit more than we suggest you refer to the information that we are going to share below.
Bedding of not every kind is suitable for pets. It is important to understand what material to keep away from so your pet hedgie can be safe.
If there is something you should stay away from, it is Cedar shavings. These shavings contain toxins and acids that can cause serious complications for your pet. The most common of them are respiratory in nature. And when the hedgehog’s respiratory system is affected, things can take an ugly turn.
Cedar shavings are also said to cause cancer and liver related complications. Therefore, it is advised to always stay away from these shavings as bedding for your pet.
Some of the other bedding materials that should be avoided are listed below:
Gravel, Sawdust, Garden Soil, Hay, Straw, and Leaves, etc.

What to keep in mind?
Bedding may seem like a simple thing to understand, but there are some things you should keep in mind. It is possible that you position the bedding improperly which might also lead to issues for your hedgehog pet.
- Thickness: It is important that you put enough bedding to make sure it does the job. Having enough bedding is also important if you want your pet hedgie to be comfortable moving around the cage. The ideal thickness you would want to have is 2-3 inches. Having this bedding thickness is also important from enrichment perspective and allows your hedgehog to burrow effectively. If you are using a fleece liner, make sure there is enough of the bedding to offer complete comfort to the pet.
- Cleanliness: Make sure you clean your bedding once in a week and more if things get a little more worse. If you are following our list of products, you may not even require it to change that often, provided it is absorbent enough. Still, it is recommended that you always do it on time. Because irrespective of the absorbent qualities and Odor control features, the bedding will still be dirty and require cleaning. In order for it to maintain those features and qualities, it’s important that you clean it.

Keeping your pet protected
Regardless of the bedding material you select for your pet, you would need to ensure that your pet is living comfortably without being bothered by intruders. Mites and other insects can easily find a way into the bedding material. Therefore, it is important that you take the right steps to stop mite infestation.
It may be possible that mites found their way in the store that you bought the material from, the warehouse where it was stored earlier or directly from the manufacturer side from where it was supplied.
Before you go on to replace the bedding, you will need to inspect to see if you spot any mites in the material. Chances are everything will go out fine, but it is prudent to be safe beforehand. Another thing you don’t want to happen is your hedgehog eating the bedding material. When you put the new bedding in, it’s normal for them to sample it a bit out of curiosity.
Eating a little is normal, but if your pet tends to swallow it a lot, there is a sign of unusual behaviour. Bedding is not something he should consume, as this may lead to gastrointestinal tract issues. This is a common problem that a majority of pet owners face. So, don’t panic if it ends up with a situation you would need to deal with.
If your hedgie is eating a lot of the bedding material, its time you make a switch to another bedding brand material.
Final thoughts
So the list of bedding materials shared above is the best we could gather and we are sure that you will be very much satisfied with the same if you choose to buy them.
Bedding is among things that seem like an afterthought in most cases. But the more you learn about its importance, the more you discover the role it plays in keeping your pet safe and engaged.
Picking the right one and sticking over to the proper caring guidelines will definitely go a long way towards ensuring that your little pet hedgehog lives a safe, happy and hygienic life.
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